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lasted until nightfall. But nothing came of it. Needless to say that that night Stateroom No. 7 was without a tenant.

Luckily we had had the bulk of our funds on our persons, so the loss of the money was not as crippling as it might otherwise have been. The porter was very kind, and through him one of the women on board sewed up our bags.

"We shall hold the steamship company responsible for our loss," said Oliver to Captain Steingard.

"We can't be responsible," was the lofty reply.

"Well, you will be," was my chum's sharp response, and seeing he could not intimidate us, the captain began to talk sense, and made a note of the robbery. Long after the steamship company started to settle up, but then it was found unnecessary to do so, for reasons which will appear in a later chapter.