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"Watch them—be careful they do not escape," said the Spaniard quickly, to Lola, and the brawny Kanaka nodded and took up a war club standing near. Then Ramon Delverez hurried off.

We wondered what the whistle meant, and began to question the Kanaka, but if he knew he refused to impart any information, and told us to hold our tongues or he would finish us with the club. As he looked ready to do anything, we relapsed into silence and turned our attention to Dan, who from being red in the face had now grown deadly white.

"I wouldn't care so much if only Dan was himself," said Oliver, a little later. "But this is horrible!"

It was fully half an hour before Ramon Delverez returned. "Now I am ready to come to terms," said he, as he and his companion sat down. "You, Oliver Raymond, treated me shabbily at Manila, you and that Dan Holbrook, and you,"—he nodded toward me,—"you were in that affair at Honolulu whereby I was tricked out of several thousands of dollars."

"Never mind talking ancient history," broke in Oliver. "What are your terms, as you call them?"

"I see you are ready for business. Consequently, to proceed. You three are here to ob-