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All of the men who had come into the hut had been drinking, and it was easy to note that Ramon Delverez was in a more savage mood than before. As he came up to me he shoved me with his foot.

"Wake up there!" he cried. "This is no time for sleeping."

"As if one could sleep in this position," I answered. "You are a brute to kick a fellow when he is down."

"I will waste no further words with you," cried the Spaniard. He turned to Oliver. "For the last time, will you tell me all you know about the pearl treasure?"

"I can't tell you anything, because I don't know anything," replied Oliver.

"Who is Caleb Merkin?"

"A one-armed sailor."

"What has he to do with the treasure?"

"He is an enemy of mine—as you are—and he stole the original of that map," came from my friend desperately.