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"I must do something for that poor wretch!" I thought. "I cannot let him die in this fashion!"

The thought had scarcely crossed my mind when the Mariposa gave a heavy lurch to starboard. Up went my feet and I flew through the air, to bring up against the cabin side with a bang. I tried to save my head a heavy knock, but could not. A thousand lights flashed before my eyes—and then I knew no more.

When I recovered my senses I found myself in my stateroom berth with Dr. Barton bending over me. There was a bandage over my forehead, and the first thing that I realized was that my head was aching as if ready to split open.

"Oh," I groaned, and tried to stare about me.

"He is coming around," I heard, in Oliver's voice. "Thank heaven for that! I was afraid he was knocked out completely."

"He must have got an awful rap," came from Dan, and now I saw that both of them stood behind the doctor.

"I did get an awful rap——" I began, when Dr. Barton placed his hand over my mouth.

"Keep quiet, my lad; it will be best for the present," he said soothingly.

"Yes, but that sailor——" I cried, and then my head swam around again, and I fainted dead away.