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"Come, we will take a walk," whispered Dan, and as he showed that he wanted to get me away from the spot, I readily consented. Soon we were at the back of the extensive gardens, and some distance from the hotel.

"Do you know who that man is?" cried my friend excitedly. "He is Ramon Delverez, the head of that Spanish land company that tried to swindle our firm out of our Manila possessions, at the time Oliver and I visited the Philippines."

"Are you certain it was the same, Dan? He looked like a regular villain."

"And he is a villain—one I wouldn't like to meet in the dark alone at any price. He ought to be in prison this minute."

"I suppose he had to flee from Manila when our troops took possession."

"That's it. Of course ordinary Spaniards were not touched, but he was known to be a rascal even by his own countrymen. I would like to know what he is doing in Honolulu."

"Perhaps he is trying to hatch out another swindle."

"He wouldn't be any too good for it." Dan's face clouded. "Do you suppose he overheard what we were talking about?"

"He heard something—how much I can't say."

"We'll have to be more guarded in our speech after this. If we are not we'll have half a dozen