Page:Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies - Series 2 - Volume 3.djvu/78

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State Department correspondence with diplomatic agents, etc (1863)—Contd.

State Department to Rev. J. Bannon. Sept. 4 Gives instructions as to his mission as a private and confidential agent of the Confederate States to Ireland. 893
H. Hotze to State Department. Sept. 5
(No. 28.)
Reports the arrival of Lieutenant Capston in London on Sept. 2 and departure on same date for Ireland. British press much agitated about two ironclads in Laird's shipyard, alleged to be destined for the Confederate Navy. C. S. S. Florida has arrived in Brest harbor. 895
J. M. Mason to State Department. Sept. 5
(No. 45.)
Reports that the Treasury agent strongly urges that the Government should take the whole subject of the export of cotton into its own hands, and sets forth his reasons therefor. 896
State Department to J. Slidell. Sept. 14
(No. 21.)
Informs Mr. Benjamin of the exchange of Private Wm. Fellows, jr., a prisoner, with instructions as to his future. 897
State Department to Treasury, War, and Navy Departments. Sept. 15 Gives details of a conference with the President on the subject of placing the business of the various department in foreign countries under one head to control all funds, with certain exceptions. 897
J. A. Quintero to State Department. Sept. 16 Reports that Mexico has been in a great state of disorder and at the request of the President, General Doblado organized a new cabinet. Sept. 7 a quarrel took place between President Juarez and General Doblado, which caused Doblado to resign and leave for the State of Guanajuato, where he is now governor. Learns British steamer Wm. Peel has been captured by United States vessel. 899
State Department to H. Hotze. Sept. 19
(No. 9.)
Acknowledges all dispatches and also the Index, which he commends for its tact and vigor. Comments on the course pursued by Great Britain toward the Confederacy, because it feared war with the United Stqtes if its Government recognized the independence of the Confederate States. 902
State Department to Treasury Department. Sept. 20 Sends information of President's approval of arrangements, and has so instructed Mr. McRae. Advises instructions to be sent abroad to Treasury agents as to above arrangements. 904
C. J. Helm to State Department. Sept. 21
(No. 23.)
Reports the arrival of M. Avegno at Havana en route for Mexico. After remaining here a few days he changed his plans and took the steamer for Southampton, for Europe, where he still remains. 904
J. M. Mason to Earl Russell. Sept. 21 Announces the termination of his mission to England and gives the reasons therefor. 904
J. Slidell to State Department. Sept. 22
(No. 45.)
Reports the Florida received permission to repair and provision at Brest, which shows the friendly feelings of the Emperor: gives an account of several interviews with the Emperor and Empress at Biarritz, who both showed kindly dispositions toward our cause. Expects Maximilian will accept the crown when tendered by Mexico. Transmits several enclosures from Mr. Eustis. 905
State Department to A. D. Mann. Sept. 23
(No. 9.)
Transmits a copy of the President's letter to his Holiness the Pope, expressing his appreciation of his efforts toward restoring peace, with instructions concerning same. 910
The President to A. D. Mann. Sept. 24 Appoints Mr Mann to the position of special envoy of the Confederate States of America to proceed to Rome and deliver a communication to the Pope. 911
C. J. Helm to State Department. Sept. 24
(No. 24.)
Reports the friendly relations with the colonial government at Havana are as friendly as ever since the arrival of Captain-General Dulce, who gives his assurance that he can be relied upon. Regrets the capture of three steamers, Alabama, Montgomery, and Lizzie Davis by the enemy. A French cruiser captured the schooner Good Year with arms on board destined for the Confederacy, which he will make an effort to recover, and encloses a letter concerning same. 912