Page:Old-Time Recipes for Home Made Wines Cordials and Liqueurs.djvu/148

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English Champagne, or the fine Currant Wine, To Make 27
Sham Champagne 28
Cheap and Agreeable Table Beer 28
Cherry Bounce 28
Cherry Bounce, No. 2 29
Cherry Bounce, No. 3 29
Cherry Wine 30
Cherry Wine, No. 2 30
General Rules for Making Cider 31
To Can Cider 34
Boiling Cider 35
To Clear Cider 36
Cider, to Preserve and Keep Sweet 36
Cider Champagne 37
Cherry Cider 37
Devonshire Cider 38
French Cider 39
Western Cider 39
Cider without Apples 40
Cider Wine 41
Clary Wine 41
Fine Clary Wine 42
Clover Wine 42
Cock Ale 43
Cowslip Wine 43
Cowslip or Clary Wine, No. 2 44
Currant Shrub 46
Currant Wine 46
Currant Wine, No. 2 46
Currant Wine, No. 3 48
Currant Wine, No. 4 49
Currant or Gooseberry Wine, without Boiling 49
Cypress Wine, Imitation of 50