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5. The storm begins to rage again, and hides the land: at last it clears a little. The sailors say to the Captain, 'What do you see?' He answers 'I see a man ploughing; two bullocks draw the plough. We must be nearing land.
It is all true, they have gained the shore.



(To be sung by one or more voices.)

1. The ship's on the sea—
Which way is it coming?
Right home to land.
What cargo has it?
The ship brings the sacrament and praying beads.

2. The ship's on the sea—
Which way is it coming?
Right home to land.
What cargo has it?
The ship brings white paper and the Twelve Apostles.

3. The ship comes home to land—
What cargo does it bring?
Silver money, prophets, and holy people.

4. The ship comes home to land—
What does it bring?
All the saints, and holy people, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

5. The ship comes to our doors—
Who brings it home?
Our Saviour.
Our Saviour bless the ship, and bring it safely home.

The second song, 'The little Wife watching for her Husband's Return,' Anna had almost entirely forgotten.

It was, she said, very pretty, being the song of the little wife, as she decks herself in her jewels to please her husband when he comes home. She laments his absence, and fears he has forgotten her, and bemoans her loneliness.

(M. F.)