Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus.djvu/17

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[Cotton MS. Vitelius A. 15.]

hyne * cumeð hyder to foran pinum domsetle.| ⁊ hlyst hys worda pilatus þa swa dyde het | geclypian hys ænne rinel ⁊ hym to cwæt | myd gewyssum gesceade yrn ⁊ clypa hy|der to me þone ðeuwa iessus genemned. ðe | rynel ða swa dyde [⁊] myd micelum ofste wæs | ford yrnnende ⁊ þone helend gemetende | ⁊ hyne geeaðmedende ⁊ he þa sona on eor|þa astrehte ꝥ he on handa bær ꝥ wæs hræ|gles sum dæl ⁊ him sylf þær wyð feoll on | eorðan astreht 7 cwæð.[1] La hlaford se dema | þe het clypian ꝥ ðu sceoldest in to hym gan|. Ac se helend hym þa git ne ⁊swarode ⁊ æac | þa iudeas gesawon hu þe rinel hyne hæfot | geeadmed to pam helende. ⁊ clypedon to | pylate ⁊ cwedon. Hete þu ðinne bydel |⁊ pynne rinel hym swa óngean cuman | ⁊ hyn sceolde geeadmedan. ⁊ hyg sona þa * | [eall atealdon][2] } hyg beo ðam rinele | gesawon. Pilatus hym het þa þæne | . . . . þa rinel to geclypian. ⁊ hine sona [acsode] | for hwig he swa dide. Se rinel hym ⁊swarode |⁊ cwæð. Ða ðu asendest me to hierusalem | to alexandre cyninge ða geseah ic hwer se | helend sæt on uppan anum assan ⁊ þa he|breisca cniht[as] hæfedon palmtwige on|heora handa. ⁊ sume heora reaf streh|ton ða reaf ⁊ strewedon þa palmtwigu | on þare eorðan to foran ðam helende | ⁊ cwædon ealle anre stefene. Ossanna bene|dictus qui uenit in nomine domini. Ða iu|deas ða cwedon to ðam rinele. ða cnihtas | weron hebreisce ða specon hyg eac ón | ebreisc 7 hwanone seoldest. ðu specan | on hebreisc ⁊ eart þe[3] ðu sylf grecisc. Se[4] | rinel heom ⁊swarode ⁊ cwæð Ic ahsode sumne *| hebreiscne hwæt hyg sedon. ⁊ he hyt me þ[a] | sona eall gebycnode. Ða cwæð pilatus.| Hu clypedon hyg ⁊ hu byt hyt getraht|nod on ebreisc. Se rinel hym ⁊swarede| ⁊. cwæð. hyg cwedon Drihten beo ðu hâlig | si gebletsod se ðe com on �

  1. The cw' of MS. should probably be resolved into cwæt.
  2. The words in brackets are supplied from Cambr. MS. The MS. is so much damaged that it is often impossible to determine syllables and words.
  3. þe above line in MS.
  4. After se a syllable erased in the MS.