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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

agrees with C). The variants do not include different forms of the same words. It would have been simpler and preferable to give the variants from C in the edition of A and B.[1]


The margins of the famous Bede manuscript of Corpus Christi College contain a large number of pieces both in Old English and in Latin, which the various editors of the Bede have, quite naturally, said little about. Miller[2] devotes considerable space to a description of the MS, but he does not say a word about the marginal writings, which would of themselves make a goodly volume in print. Schipper, who has printed the Bede part of the MS in its entirety,[3] with an extensive introduction and copious textual notes, gives a little information about the marginal texts. In his description of the MS he speaks[4] of the various other interesting pieces that it contains. In another connection he says:

Ueber die lateinischen und angelsächsischen Gebete, Zauberformeln, Homilien, die das Manuscript an verschiedenen Stellen auf dem Rande enthält (auf S. 196-198 den Anfang von Salomon und Saturn von v. 1 bis V. 30a) und die in verschiedenen jüngeren Handen geschrieben sind, vgl. die Angaben in Wanley's Katalog.[5]

In his excellent description of the codex, Wanley[6] makes eighteen different divisions of the contents. All but three or four of these divisions concern the various marginal pieces, which consist of prayers, exorcisms, and homilies. They are all written in a later hand (or rather later hands) than that of the Bede text. In several instances Wanley gives the texts of the prayers and exorcisms in full, but he usually supplies simply the beginning and end of each of the four or five homilies in the list. The homilies which Wanley names by title[7] are (1) Homilia de B. V. Maria,[8]

  1. For a complete list of language differences between A and B see Publications, pp. 536-40.
  2. The Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Part I (London, 1890 [E.E.T.S. 95, 96]), Introduction, pp. xvi, xvii.
  3. König Alfred's Übersetzung von Bedas Kirchengeschichte ("Bibliothek der AS. Prosa, Bd. IV; Leipzig, 1897-99), 2te Hälfte, 2te Abtl., Einl., pp. xxv ff.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid. p. xxviii.
  6. Catalogue, pp. 114, 115.
  7. Under No. XI he says: "Sequuntur etiam sermones Saxonici, marginibus Cod. ordine scripti."
  8. No. XIII, p. 299.