Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/17

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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

And heo onfengen þan feo and sæden þæt heom wære se lichame forstolen. Ac heora leasunge ealle wurðen geupped. Þa comen þære þreo mære weres of Galilea to Ierusalem. Se eldeste wæs mæssepreost and wæs gehaten Finees, se oðer Aggeus, se þridde Preceptor. Heo sæden þæt heo þone Hælend þe onhangen wæs gesegen on Galilea, and mid his cnihten æt, and wið heom spæc, and Thomas his wunden sceawede. And se Hælend het heo faren geond eallne middeneart bodigende fulleht on namen þæs fæder and sunen and halgen gastes. And ealle þa-þe underfoð fulht, heo habbað ece lif on domes dæige on heofonerice. And þa þa swa ne doð, heo sculen habben hellewite. And he þa on þan feowertihðe dæige his æristes he asteah to heofonerice of Oliuetes dune, and sæde [Fol. 90b] þæt he wolde hider cumen on domes dæige and þa rihtwise into heofenerice mid him gelæden and þa synnfulle in to helle asænden. "And we ne dorsten eow þiss forhelen."

Þiss heo atealden eall on heora sinoðe. Þa wurðen heo ealle swyðe sarige and afyrhte. Þa Iudees heo þa hælsodan þurh heora æ hweðer hit soð wære. And heo ealle sworen þæt hit eall soð wære. Þa abæden ealle þa Iudees þæt heo scolden feo nymen and ham gewænden, and na mare hit cyðen on þan lande. And heo sæden þæt heo swa wolden. And heo fengen to þan feo, and heo leten heo læden of þan lande þreo oðre weres, þæt heo nane hwile on Ierusalem wunigen ne mosten.

Annas and Caiphas cwæðen to eallen þan sinoðe: "Nis hit na soð