Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/26

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William H. Hulme

þu ær cwæde, þonne winn þu ongean hine and gewurðe þe and him.' And seo helle þone deofel ut adraf, and cwæð to þan arleasen þegnen: "Belucað fæste þa ændelease gaten and toforen sceoteð þa ærene and þa irene scytteles, and him strange wiðstandeð and þiss weorod behealdeð, þæt we ne beon bereafod.'

Da þæt geherdan þa hehfæderes þe þær inne wæron, þa clypedan heo ealle anre stefne to þære helle: 'Geopene þine gaten and læt inn þone King, þæs ecen wuldres sune.' Þa cwæð Dauid: 'Þiss ic witegode þa ic ofer eorðen wæs cwedende, "Andetteð Drihtene his mildheortnysse, for-þan-þe he wyle his mildheortnysse mannen cyðen." Þa cwæð Isaias: 'Ic sæde on eorðen þæt deade mænn scolden arisen and helle scolde beon geheregod and sarignysse eall to blisse gewænd þurh wuldres bearn.' Þa þa halgen þæt geherden, þa blissedan heo ealle and to þære helle cwæden: 'Geopene þine [Fol. 97a] gaten. Þu scealt beon untrum and unmihtig and mid eallen oferswiðed.' Þa wæs þær geworden mycel stefne and mycel liht swyle þunreslege and þuss cwæð: 'Ge ealdres, geopenigeð and untyneð eower gaten þæt muge ingan se King þe of heofone is asænd.' Þa geherde seo helle þæt hit wæs twygge geclyped, þa cleopode heo ongean and þuss cwæð: 'Hwæt is þes King þe is gewuldred?' Dauid cwæð and hire andswarede: 'Hit is Drihten of heofone rice; and þiss ic on eorðen ærre cweð, þæt