Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/30

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William H. Hulme

"Almihtig God betæhte þa Adam Michaele, þan hehængle, and he heo gebrohte to neorxenewanga mid wulderfulre blisse. And þa-þa heo inn foren, þa gemetten heo twegen weres. Þa cwædon heo: 'Hwæt synden ge þe mid us on helle næron, and eowwer lichame swa þeh libbende is?' Þa cwæð se oðer: 'Ic eam Enoch and ic þurh Drihtenes word wæs hider gelædd, and þiss is Helias þe [Fol. 99b] mid me is; se wæs on fyrene chearte hider gefered, and get wyt deaðes ne onbyrigden. Ac wyt sculen mid Godes tacne Antecristes anbidian and ongean hine fihten and on Ierusalem beon þurh hine ofslagene, and on feorðe healfen dæige beon eft gecwicode and þurh gehnipe eft to eow up onhafene.'

"Onmang þan þa com þær an scaðe and an rodetacne on his exle bær. Þa cwæð þæt werod: 'Hwæt eart þu þe eart anen scaðe gelic?' 'Soð ge seggeð þæt ic scaðe wæs and eall yfel wyrcende. Ac þa Iudees wið Þone Hælend onhengen me, and ic his miltse bæd, and he me getyðede and of synne alesde and mid his worde hider asænde to þan ængle mid þyssen tacne þe ge on minen halse geseoð and het me her eower abiden.' Þa cwædon heo ealle: 'Seo gebletsod se mildheorte God, se-þe us are and mildse forgeaf.' He andswerede and cwæð: 'Amen.'"