Page:Old English ballads by Francis Barton Gummere (1894).djvu/475

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O, of (=by, Babylon^ 17*); on. of, off. okerer, usurer. ofty one. oftt of, in. ones, once. ^r, before. • order J ordrCy rule or discipline of a monastic order. oughty owned, had (Car. 31'). ' overtoldey counted too much. awarey hour. owrgy or, before (Spensy 8^). <7tt;r/, over. owtlayy outlaw. Palfrayy palfrey, saddle-horse. pally cloak. partly side ; uppone a partly on one side. passty limits, extent. pastesy pasties, pies. pavyleoHy tent. peclsy cups, vessels. peeclsy pieces, guns. pdUtteSy bullets. pertgy part, side. pesitUtty pistol. petyy pity. peysesy pieces. pin, *the metal peg under a knocker,* Fumivall. plney pain, torture. ^ pity pltterty put. plate-Jack y coat of mail. plucke-buffety see note, C?^j/, 424^ poty deep place in a river. pretSy stress of battle, attack. prlckey target. prlcke-wandy see note, Guy, 31^ prlmey about nine o'clock in the morning (originally a term ap- plied to the first hour of the canonical day). prude y proud. pryckedy spurred. pyghty pitched. pyney suffering, torture. Quarter {Cocky 8*), the fourth part of a yard. quyrryy quarry, slaughtered game. quyty qultty requited. quytCy to requite, pay. Radly (see redly), quickly. rankcy turn, series. rashesy rushes. rathes {raltk)y periods of three months. rawcy row. rawstycy rusty. raycy striped cloth. raysscy raid, incursion. reachelesy reckless, careless. readcy counsel, advice. readcy redcy to advise, interpret, guess. reancy rain. reasy to rouse. reave, to rob. rede, p. p., guessed. reden, rode. redly, redely, quickly. reiver, robber. renlsht, prepared, arranged, ca- parisoned (.^). reve, to rob. reves, stewards, bailiffs. rln, to run. rise (at), to spring from, come from. rlvln*, tearing. rocks, distaffs. rodcy roody cross. rokcy reek, steam. rotney room. route, to assemble in a band. rout, rowgkt, attack, battle. row, rowd, rowed, to roll, wrap. Digitized by LjOOQIC