Page:Old English ballads by Francis Barton Gummere (1894).djvu/482

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Charlemagne, 297. Chaucer, xviii. Chevy Chace^ xx; 325. Child, Professor, xxvi; Ixii; 299, f. Ballads y 300, and often. chorus, Ixxxv. Christmas, 362. chronicles, xxiv. church, xi; xxxi; Ixxxiii, f.; 309. Cimbrian peasants, Ixxvii. Cnut, 297, f . cock-crow, 347. communal ballad, xxvii; xxxiii; Ixviii; Ixx. Complaynt of ScotlandyXX Ixxviii. complexion, 353. Cosquin, xlix ; Ixix. Cox, Capt., XXV. Dancing, xx ; xxxiii ; Ixxv, ff . ; Ixxxii, £f . Danish ballads, 299. Dante, xii. dead, grief for, 346, f . worship of, 360. degeneration, Ixvi. distribution, Ixvi. domestic tragedy, 337. Dunbar, xiii, f. ; xxii. Edda, Ixxi. English ballads, 299, f . epos, xiv ; xvi, f . ; xcvii. of nature, xlvi, f. Esthonians, ' 30 1 , f . European ballads, 301, f. exposure of children, 335 ; 342. Fairy, 360. fairy-land, 361. Faroe islanders, xxxiii; Ixxvi. fasting till an * adventure * comes, 314. figures of speech, xxx, ff.; 309. Finns, 301. folk, xxxvi, ff . ; xliii, f. ; xlvi, ff . ; li; Iviii; Ixxxiii. frogs as poison, 358. funerals, Ixxviii. Garlands, xxiv. genitive, 315; 321. Germanic poetry, Ixxi ; 297. Gest, They of R. H., Ixvii. Glasgeriofiy 340, ff. Gleim, xl. glove, 334. Goethe, xlv, f. good-nights, xxi. Gray, 309. green, 319. Grimm, J., xv ; xxxv; xlix, ff.; xcv; 301. Grimm, W., xxviii; xxxi; liii; lxix< Grundtvig, xxvii ; xxxv, f . ; xliv ; Ixii; 299. H^r, how worn, 355. ' Hallowe'en, 360. Hamann, xl, f . Herder, xxi;*xxxviii; xli, ff.; xlix. Home, tragedy of Douglas^ 345. Homer, xlii. homogeneous folk, xxvii; Iv. Hood, Robin, Ixvii; Ixxviii; 313, f. horses, 324, 359. color of, 351. « I,* the, Ixx. Iceland, Ixxvi, f . ; Ixxxvi ; xci. improvisation, xc,ff.; 312. individual, xi, ff . ; Ivi ; Ixix ; Ixxxiii. iteration, xxxii. Jeanroy, Ixxv ; Ixxxv. Johnson, Dr., 299. Keats, XV ; xxxiv. kevels, 331. Digitized by LjOOQIC