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ANTIQUITIES— ART. ANTIQUITIES. (See also Anthropology.) ATKINSON (Rev. J. C.).— Forty Years ik a Moorland Parish. Ext. cr. 8vo. is. td. net. — Illustrated Edition. 12s. net. Memorials of Old Whitby. Illust. Ex. cr. 8vo. 6s. net. BURN (Robert).— Roman Literature m Relation to Roman Art. With Illustra tions. Ext. cr. 8vo. 14*. DILETTANTI SOCIETY'S PUBLICA- TIONS. Antiquities ok Ionia. Vols. I. — III. al. at. each, or 5/. cj. the set, net. — Vol. IV. Folio, half morocco, 3/. 13*. td. net. An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture. By F. C. Penrose. Illustrated. Folio. jl. 7.;. Del. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture : Egyi - tian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman. Vol. II. Folio, si. <;s. net. DYER (Louis).— Studies of the Gods in Greece at certain Sanctuaries re- cently Excavated. Ext. cr. 8vo. net. ERMAN (A.).— Life in Ancient Egypt. Transl. by H. M. Tirard. Illust. Super- royal 8vo. 21s. net. EVANS (Lady). Chapters on Greek Dress. Illustrated. 8vo. $s. net. FOWLER (W. W.).— The City-State of the Greeks and Romans. Cr. 8vo. 5s. GARDNER (Ernest). — Handbook of'Greek Sculpture. Illustrated. Ex. cr. 8vo. 5s. GARDNER (Percy).— Samos and Samian Coins : An Essay. 8vo. ys. td. GOW(J., Litt.D.}.— A Companion to School Classics. Illustrated. 3rd Ed. Cr. 8vo. it. HARRISON (Miss Jane) and VERRALL (Mrs.). — Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. its. HELLENICSOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS — Excavations at Megalopolis, 189c — 1801. By Messrs. E. A. Gardner, W. Loring, G. C. Richards, and W. J. Wood- house. With an Architectural Description by R. W. SCHULTZ. 4to. 25*. Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria(Cili- cia Trachea). By the Rev. A. C. Head- lam. Imp. 4to. 5s. JONES (H. S.).— Select Passages from Ancient, Illustrative of the History of Greek Sculpture. 8vo. LANCIANI (Prof. R.) — Ancient Rome in the Lightof Recent Discoveries. 4to.24J. Pagan and Christian Rome. 4to. 241. MAHAFFY (Prof. J. P.).— A Primer of Greek Antiquities. Pott 8vo. is. Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menander. 6th Edit. Cr. 8vo. 9*. Rambles and Studies in Greece. Il- lustrated. 3rd Edit. Cr. 8vo. 10s. td. (See also History, p. 13.) NEWTON (Sir C !'.).— Essays on Art and Arch/KOLogv. 8vo. 12s. td. SCHUCHHARDT(C).— Dr. Schliemann's Excavations at Troy, Tiryns, Mycenae, Orchomenos, Ithaca, in the Light of Recent Knowledge. Trans. byEuGENiB Sellers. Preface by Walter Leaf, Litt.D. Illustrated. 8vo. lis. net. SCHREIBER (T.).— Atlas of Classical Antiquities. Edit, by W. C F. Ander- son. Oblong 4to. 2i.r. net. STRANGFORD. (See Voyages & Travels.) WALDSTEIN (C.).— Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archeo- logy, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. — Large Paper Edition. Small 4to. 5*. WHITE (Gilbert). (See Natural Hisiory.) •V1LKINS (Prof. A. S.).— A Primer of Ro- man Antiquities. Pott 8vo. is. ARCHAEOLOGY. (See Antiquities.) ARCHITECTURE. AVERY ARCHITECTURAL CATA- LOGUE. Imp. 8vo, half mor. 501. net. FREEMAN (Prof. E. A.).— History of the Cathedral Church of Wells. Cr. 8vo. is. td. HULL (E.). — A Treatise on Ornamental and Building Stones of Great Britain and Foreign Countries. 8vo. 12s. LETHABY (W. R.) and SWAINSON (H.). — The Church of St. Sophia at Constan- tinople. Illust. Med. 8vo. 21s. net. MOORE (Prof. C. H.).— The Development and Character of Gothic Architec- ture. Illustrated. Med. 8vo. lis. PENROSE (F. C). (See Antiquities.) STEVENSON (J. J.).— House Architec- ture. With Illustrations. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. i8j. each. — Vol. 1. Architecture ; Vol. II. House Planning. ART. (See also Music) ANDERSON (L.). Linear Perspective and Model Drawing. 8vo. 2s. ART AT HOME SERIES. Edited by W. J. Loftie, B.A. Cr. 8vo. The Bedroom and Boudoir. By Lady Barker. 2s. td. Needlework. By Elizabeth Glaister. Illustrated 2s. td. Music in the House. By John Hui.lah. 4th edit. as. td. The Dining-Room. By Mrs. Loftie. With Illustrations. 2nd Edit. 2s. td. Amateur Theatricals. By Walter H. Pollock and Lady Pollock. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. as. td. ATKINSON (J. B.).— An Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe. 8vo. lot. BENSON (W. A. S.). Handicraft and Design. Cr. 8vo. 5$. net. BURN (Robert). (See Antiquities.) CARR(J.C)— Papers on Art. Cr.8vo. COLLIER (Hon. John).— A Primer of Art. Pott 8vo. is. COOK (E. T.).— A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery. Including Notes collected from the Works of Mr. Ruskin. 4th Edit. Cr. 8vo, half morocco, us. — Large paper Edition, 250 copies. 2 vols. 8vo.