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s BOTANY— CHEMISTRY. BOTANY— continued. MULLER— THOMPSON. — The Fertili sation of Flowers. By Prof. H. MOller Transl. by D'Arcy W. Thompson. Preface by Charles Darwin, F.R.S. 8vo. nt. MURRAY (G.).— Introduction to Study of Seaweeds. Cr. 8vo. 7*. 6d. NISBET (J.).— British Forest Trees and THEIR SYLVICULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS and Treatment. Cr. Svo. 6s. net. OLIVER (Prof. Daniel).— Lessons in Ele- mentary Botany. Illustr. Fcp. 8vo. ^ First Book of Indian Botany. IUus trated. Ext. fcp. 8vo. 6s. 6d. PETTIGREW (J. Bell).— The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. 8vo. lit SMITH (J.).— Economic Plants, Diction ary of Popular Names of; Their His- tory, Products, and Uses. 8vo. 14*- SMITH (W. G.).— Diseases of Field and Garden Crops, chiefly such as are caused by Fungi. Illust. Fcp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. VINES (S. H.) and KINCH (E.).— Manual of Vegetable Physiology. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. [/» prtparatton. WARD (Prof. H. M.).— Timber and some of its Diseases. Illustrated. Cr. Svo. ts. YONGE (C. M.).— The Herb of the FiELr. New Edition, revised. Cr. Svo. 5s. BREWING AND WINE. PASTEUR — FAULKNER. — Studies on Fermentation : The Diseases of Beer, their Causes, and the means of pre- venting them. By L. Pasteur. Trans lated by Frank Faulkner. 8vo. 21s. CHEMISTRY. (St* also Metallurgy.) BEHRENS (H.).— Mickochemical Analy- sis. Cr. 8vo. 6s. BRODIE (Sir Benjamin).— Ideal Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. 21. COHEN (J. B.). — The Owens College Course of Practical Organic Chemis- try. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. COOKE (Prof. J. P., jun.).— Principles of Chemical Philosophy. New Ed. 8vo. 19*- DOBBIN (L.) and WALKER (J as.)— Chemi- cal Theory for Beginners. Pott 8vo. 2S. bd FLEISCHER (Emil).— A System of Vold- metric Analysis. Transl. with Additions, byM.M.P. Muik.F.R.S.E. Cr.8vo. TRANKLAND (Prof. P. F.). (See Agri- culture.) GLADSTONE (J. H.) and TRIBE (A.) - The Chemistry of the Secondary Bat TEKIKSOP Pl.ANTR ANDFAURE.Cr.8vO HARTLEY (Prof. W. N.).— A Course of 81'antitative Analysis for Students lobe 8vo. 5J. HEMPEL (Dr. W.). — Methods of Gas Analysis. Translated by L. M. Dennis Cr. Svo. 7i. bJ. HOFMANN (Prof. A. W.).— The Life Work of Lll BIG i" Experimental and Philo sophic Cmkmistrv. 8vo. t. JONES (Francis).— The Owens College Junior Course of Practical Chemistry. Illustrated. Fcp. 8vo. a*. 6d. Questions on Chemistry- Fcp.Bvo. 3*. LANDAUER (J.)- — Blowpipe Analysis. Translated by j. Taylor. Gl. 8vo. as. 6d. LASSAR - COHN. — Organic Chemistry. Transl. by A. Smith. Cr. 8vo. Bs. bd. LOCKYER (J. Norman, F.R.S.). — The Chemistry of the Sun. Illustr. 8vo. 14J. LUPTON (S.). — Chemical Arithmetic. With 1200 Problems. Fcp. 8vo. 4$. 6d. MANSFIELD (C. B.).— A Theory of Salts. Cr. 8vo. 1 4 s. MELDOLA (Prof. R.).— The Chemistry of Photography. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. 6t. MENSCHUTKIN (A.).— Analytical Che- mistry. Trsl. by J. Locke. 8vo. ^^s. net. MEYER (E. von).— History of Chemistry from Earliest Times to the Present Day. Transl. G. McGowan. 8vo. i+t- net. MIXTER (Prof. W. G.).— An Elementary Text-Book of Chemistry. Cr. 8vo. 7s. 6d. MUIR (M. M. P.).— Practical Chemistry for MEDiCALSTUDENTs(FirstM.B. Course). Fcp. 8vo. is. 6d. MUIR (M. M. P.) and WILSON (D. M.).~ ElementsofThermalChemistry. 12s. td. NERNST (Dr.).— Theoretical Chemistry. Translated by C. S. Palmer. 8vo. 15*. net. OSTWALD (Prof.).— Outlines of General Chemistry. Transl. Dr. J. Walker. Manual of Physico-Chemical Mea- surements. Transl. by Dr. J. Walker. 8vo. 7-r. net. Analytical Chemistry. Translated by G. Me Gowan. Cr. 8vo. 5s. net. RAMSAY (Prof. William).— Experimental Proofs of Chemical Theory for Begin- ners. Pott Svo. 2S. 6d. REMSEN (Prof. Ira).— The Elements 09 Chemistry. Fcp. 8vo. 25. 6d. An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry). Cr. 8vo. 6s. 6d. A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemis- try. 8vo. j6s. Compounds of Carbon; or, An Intro- duction to the Study of Organic Chemistry. Cr 8vo. 6s. 6d. ROSCOE (Sir Henry E., F.R.S.).— A Primer of Chemistry. Illustrated. Pott 8vo. 1*. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. Fcp. 8vo. 4*. td. ROSCOE (Sir H. E.) and HARDEN (A.).— Dai. I- Vtomh rHEORY. Svo. ROSCOE (Sir H. E.) and LUNT (J.).-In- organic Chemistry fok Deginners. Gl. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ROSCOE (Sir H.E.) and SCHORLEMMER (Prof. C.).— A Complete Treatise on In- organic and Organic Chemistry. Illusti. 8vo.— Vols. I. and II. Inorganic Chemis- try: Vol. I. The Non-Metallic Ele- ments, New Edit., Revised by Drs. H. G. Colman and A. HARDEN, 31*. Vol. II. Parts I. and 11. Metals, 18*. each.— Vol. III. Organic Chemistry: The Chemistry of the Hydro-Carbons andthkir Deriva- tives. Parts I. II. IV. and VI. 2s. each; Parts III. ard V. 18*. each