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14 HISTORY— ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. BIRTORY—amtd. SHUCKBURGH (E. S.).— A History of Rome to the Battle of Actium. Cr. 8vo. 8s. 6d. SMITH (Goldwin). — Oxford and her Col- leges. Pott 8vo. 3$ —Illustrated Edition. ( s. (See also under Politics, p. 37.) STEPHEN (Sir J. Fitzjarnes).— The Storv of Nuncomar and the Impeachment of Sir Elijah Impey. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. 15*. T AIT(C. W. A.).— Analysis of English His- tory, based on Green's " Short History of the English People." Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d. TOUT (T. F.).— Analysis of English His TORY. Pott 8vo. IS. TREVELYAN (Sir Geo. OUo).-Cawnpore Cr. 8vo. 6s. TUCKWELL (W.).— The Ancient Ways ; Winchester Fifty Years Ago. Globe 8vo. 4J. 6d. WHEELER (J- Talboys).— Primer of In- dian History, Asiatic and European. Pott 8vo. is. College History of India, Asiatic and European. Ci. 8vo. 2s. br.. ; swd. is. A Short History of India. With Maps Cr. 8vo. i2.r. India under British Rule. Svo. WILLIAMS(H.).— Britain's NavalPower. Cr. 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. WOOD (Rev. E. G.).— The Regal Power of the Church. 8vo. 4*. 6d. YONGE (Charlotte). — Cameos from English History. Ext. fcp. 8vo. $s. each. — Vol. 1, From Rollo to Edward II. ; Vol. 2. The Wars in France ; Vol. 3. The Wars of the Roses ; Vol. 4. Reformation Times ; Vol. 5. England and Spain ; Vol.6. Forty Years of Stewart Rule (1603 — 43) ; Vol. 7. The Rebellion and Restoration (1642— 1678). The Victorian Half-Century. Cr. 8vo. is. 6d. ; sewed, is. - The Story of the Christians and Moors in Spain. Pott Svo. 2s. 6d. net. HORSE BREEDING. PEASE (A. E.).— Horse Breeding for Farmers. Cr. Svo. 2s. 6d. HORTICULTURE. (See Gardening.) HYGIENE. BERNERS(J.) — First Lessons on Health Pott 8vo. is. BLYTH (A. Wynter).— A Manual of Public Health. 8vo. 17s. net. Lectures on Sanitary Law. 8vo. 8s. 6d. net. BROWNE (J. H. Balfour).— Water Supply Cr. 8vo. 2S. 6d. CLIMATES AND BATHS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 8vo. CORFIEI.D(Dr. W. H.).-The Treatment and Utilisation of Sewage. 3rd Edit Revised by the Author, and by Louis C Parkes, M.D. 8vo. 16s. FAY RE R (Sir J.).— On Pri i i vation of Health in India, i'ott 8vo. is. GOODFELLOWQ.).— The Dietetic Valdb of Bread. Cr. 8vo. 6s. KINGSLEY (Charles).— Sanitary and So- cial Lectures. Cr. 8vo. 3J. 6d. Health and Education. Cr. 8vo. 6s. MIERS (H. A.) and CROSSKEY (R.).— Thb Soil in Relationto Health. Cr.8vo. js.6d. REYNOLDS (E. S.).— Primer of Hygiene. Pott 8vo. is. REYNOLDS (Prof. Osborne).— Sewer Gas, and How to keep it out of Houses. 3rd Edit. Cr. 8vo. is. 6d. RICHARDSON (Dr. Sir B. W.).— Hygeia : A City of Health. Cr. 8vo. is. The Future of Sanitary Science. Cr. 8vo. is. On Alcohol. Cr. Svo. is. WILLOUGHBY (E. F.).— Public Health and Demography Fcp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. HYMNOLOGY. (See under Theology, p. 42.) ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. iESOP'S FABLES. Selected by J. Jacobs. With 300 Illustrations by R. Heighway. Cr. 8vo. 6s. — Also with uncut edges, paper label, 6s. BALCH (Elizabeth). — Glimpses of Old English Homes. Gl. 4to. 14s. BARLOW (J.).— The End of Elfintown. Illust. by L. Housman. Cr. 8vo. $s. BLAKE. (See Biography, p. 4.) BOUGHTON (G. H.) and ABBEY (E. A.). (See Voyages and Travels.) CHRISTMAS CAROL (A). Printed In Colours, with Illuminated Borders. 4to. 21*. CORIDON'S SONG, and other Verses. Preface by Austin Dobson. Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Cr. 8vo. 6*. — Also with uncut edges, paper label, 6s. CRAWFORD (F. M.V — Constantinople. Illustrated by E. L. Weeks. Sm. 4to. 6s. 6d. DAYS WITH SIR ROGER DE COVER. LEY. From the Spectator. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Cr. 8vo. 6s. — Also with uncut edges, paper label. 6s. DELL (E. C.).— Pictures from Shelley. Engraved by J. D. Cooper. Folio. FIELDE (A. M.).— A Corner of Cathav. Illustrated. Fcap. 4to. GASKELL (Mrs.).— Cranford. Illustrated bv Hugh Thomson. Cr. 8vo. 6s. — Also with uncut edges paper label. 6s. G( »E I'll K.— Reynard the Fox. Edited by J. Jacobs. Illustrated by F. Calderon. Cr. 8vo. 6s. Also with uncut edges, paper label. 6s. GOLDSMITH (Oliver). — The Vicar of Wakefield. New Edition, with 182 Illus- trations by Hugh Thomson. Preface by Austin Dobson. Cr. 8vo. 6s. — Also with Uncut Edges, paper label. 6s. GREEN (John Richard). — Illustrated Edition of the Short History of the English People. 4 vols. Sup. roy. 8vo. las. each net. GRIMM. (See Books for the Young, p. 48.)