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16 LAW— LITERATURE. LAW — con United. PATERSON (James).— Commentaries Ot. the Liberty of the Subject, and thb Laws of England relating to the Se- curity of the Person. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. 21*. The Liberty of the Press, Speech, and Public Worship. Cr. 8vo. *s. PHILLIMORE (John G.).— Private Law AMONG THE ROMANS. 8vO. 6s. POLLOCK (Sir F., Bart.).— Essays in Juris prudence and Ethics. 8vo. ios. 6d. The Land Laws. Cr. 8vo. 2S.6d. Leading Cases done into English. Cr. 8vo. 3*. 6d. RICHEY (Alex. G.).— The Irish Land La v/s Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d. STEPHEN (Sir J. F., Bart.).— A Digest op the Law of Evidence. 6ih Ed. Cr. 8vo. 6i. A Digest of the Criminal Law ; Crimes and Punishments. 5th Ed. 8vo. 16s. A Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Offences. By Sir J. F., Bart., and Herbert Stephen, LL.M. 8vo. I2.T. 6d. A History of the Criminal Law of England. 3 vols. 8vo. 48.1. A General View of the Criminal Law of England. 2nd Edit. 8vo. 14*. STEPHEN (J. K.).— International Law and International Relations. Cr. 8vo. 6s. STEVENS (C. E.).— Sources of the Con- stitution of the United States, con- sidered in Relation to Colonial and English History. Cr. 8vo. 6.?. 6d. net. WILLIAMS (S. E.).— Forensic Facts and Fallacies. Globe 8vo. 4.5. 6d. LETTERS. (See under Literature, p. 24.) LIFE-BOAT. GILMORE (Rev. John).— Storm Warriors; or, Life-Boat Work on the Goodwin Sands. Cr. 8vo. 3*- 6rf. LEWIS (Richard).— History of the Life- Boat and its Work. Cr. 8vo. 5^. LIGHT. {See under Physics, p. 34.) LITERATURE. History and Criticism of — Commentaries, etc.— Poetry and the Drama — Poetical Col- lections and Selections— Prose Fiction — Col- lected Works, Essays, Lectures, Let ten, isce llaneous History and Criticism of. (See also Essays, p. 24.) ARNOLD (M.). (See Essays, p. 24.) BROOKE (Stopford A.).— A Primer of Eng lish Literature. Pott 8vo. ix.— Large Paper Edition. 8vo. ys. 6d. A History of Early English Litera tuke. 2 vols. 8vo. 20J. net. CLASSICAL WRITERS. Edited by John Richard Green. Fcp. 8vo. 1*. 6d. each. Demosthknks. By Prof. Butcher, M.A. Euripides. By Prof. Mahaffy. Livy. By the Rev. W. W. Capes, M.A. Milton. By Stopford A. Brooke. Sophocles. By Prof. L. Campbell, M.A. Tacitus. By Messrs.CHURCHand Brodribb. Vergil. By Prof. Nettleship, M.A. COURTHOPE (W. J.) —History of Eng- lish Poetry. Vol. I. 8vo. 10s. net. ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. (S*e Biography, p. 4.) HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. In 4 vols. Cr. 8vo. Early English Literature. By Stop- ford Brooke, M.A. [in preparation. Elizabethan Literature (1560 — 1665). By George Saintsbury. 7*. 6d. Eighteenth Century Literature (1660 — 1780). By Edmund Gosse, M.A. Nineteenth Century Literature. By G. Saintsbury. 7X. 6d. J EBB (Prof. R. C.).— A Primer of Greek Literature. Pott 8vo. ix. The Attic Orators, from Antiphon to Isaeos. 2nd Edit. 2 vols 8vo. 25X. Rise and Development of Greek Poetry. Cr. 8vo. 7X. net. JOHNSON'S LIVES OF THE POETS. Milton, Dryden, Pope, Addison, Swift, and Gray With Macaulay's "Life of Johnson " Ed. by M.Arnold. Cr.8vo. *s.6d. JONES (H. A.).— Renascence of the Eng- lish Drama. Cr. 8vo. 6s. KINGSLEY (Charles). — Literary and General Lectures. Cr. 3vo. 3$. 6d. MAHAFFY (Prof. J. P.).— A History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. — Vol. 1. The Poets. With an Appendix on Homer by Prof. Sayce. In a Parts.— Vol. 2. The Prose Writers. In a Parts. 4-r. 6d. each. MORLEY (John). (See Collected Works, p. 27.) OLIPHANT (Mrs. M. O. W.).— The Lite- rary History of England in the End of the 18th and beginning of the ioth Century. 3 vols. 8vo. 21s. PATER (W.).— Greek Studies. Ex. cr. 8vo. ios. 6d. Plato and Platonism. Ex. cr. 8vo. is. 6d. RVLAND (F.).— Chronological Outlines of English Literature. Cr. 8vo. 6s. SAINTSBURY (G.).— A Short History of English Literature. Gl. 8vo. [In prep. TYRRELL (Prof. R. Y.) —Latin Poetry. Cr. 8vo. ys. net WARD (Prof. A. W.).— A History of Eng- lish Dramatic Literature, to the Dkath of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo. 32X. WHITCOMB(L. S.).— Chronological Out- lines of American Literature. Cr. 8vo. 6s. net. WILKlNS(Prof. A. S.).— A Primer of Ro- man Literature. Pott 8vo. M. WULKER. — Anglo Saxon Literature. Transl. by A. W. Dbbking and C. F. Me Clumpha. [/« the Press. Commentaries, etc. BROWNING. A Primer of Browning. By Mary Wilson. Cr. 8vo. 2x. 6d. CHAUCER. A Primer of Chaucer. By A. W. Pol lard. Pott 8vo. is.