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Electricity— continued.

GRAY (Prof. Andrew).— The Theory and

Practice of Absolute Measurements

in Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols.

Cr. 8vo. Vol.1. 12s. td. — Vol.11. 2parts. 25$.

Absolute Measurements in Elec- tricity and Magnetism. Fcp. 8vo. $s. td.

Magnetism and Electricity. 8vo.

[In t!ie Press.

GUILLEM IN (A.). —Electricity and Mag- netism. A Popular Treatise. Translated and Edited by Prof. Silvanus P. Thomp- son. Super Roy. 8vo. 3i.r. 6d.

HEAVISIDE (O.) — Electrical Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. 301. net.

HERTZ (H.).— Electric Waves. Transl. by D. E. Jones, B.Sc. 8vo. ios. net.

JACKSON (D. C.).— Text-Book on Elec- tro-Magnetism Vol. I. Cr. 8vo. gs. net.

KELVIN (Lord). — Papers on Electro- statics and Magnetism. 8vo. lis.

LODGE (Prof. Oliver).— Modern Views of Electricity. Illust. Cr. 8vo. 6s. 6d.

MENDENHALL (T. C.).— A Century of Electricity. Cr. 8vo. 4$. 6d.

STEWART (Prof. Balfour) and GEE (W. W. Haldane). — Lessons in Elementary Prac- tical Physics. Cr. 8vo. Illustrated. — Elec- tricity and Magnetism, js. 6d.

- Practical Physics for Schools. Gl. 8vo. — Electricity and Magnetism.

THOMPSON (Prof. Silvanus P.). — Ele- mentary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism. New Edition. Illustrated. Fcp. 8vo. 4s. td.

TURNER (H. H.).— Examples on Heat and Electricity. Cr. 8vo. 2s. (td.

Heat, Light, and Sound.

AIRY (Sir G. B.).— On Sound and Atmo- spheric Vibrations. Cr. 8vo. gs.

CARNOT-THURSTON.-Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat, and on Machines fitted to Develop that Power. From the French of N. L. S. Car- not. Edited by R. H. Thurston, LL.D. Cr. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

JOHNSON(A.).-Sunshine. Illust. Cr.8vo.6f.

JONES (Prof. D. E.).— Heat, Light, and Sound. Globe 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Lessons in Heat and Light. Globe

8vo. 3X. td.

MARTINEAU (C. A.).— Easy Lessons in Heat. GI. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

MAYER (Prof. A. M.).— Sound. A Series of Simple Experiments. Illustr. Cr. 8vo.

MAYER (Prof. A. M.) and BARNARD (C.)— Light. A Series of Simple Experiments. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

PARKINSON (S.).— A Treatise on Optics. 4th Edit. , revised. Cr. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

PEABODY(Prof. C. H.).— Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine and other Heat- Engines. 8vo. 21s.

PRESTON (T.).— The Theory of Light. Illustrated. 8vo. 15.1. net.

The Theory of Heat. 8vo. 17*. net.

RAYLEIGH (Lord).— Theory of Sound. Vol. I. 8vo. 12.?. net.

SHANN (G.). — An Elementary Treatisb on Heat in Relation to Steam andthb Steam-Engine. Illustr. Cr. Svo. 4.1. td.

SPOTTISWOODE (W.).— Polarisation of Light. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. 31. td.

STEWART (Prof. Balfour) and GEE (W. W. Haldane). — Lessons in Elementary Prac- tical Physics. Cr. 8vo. Illustrated. — Optics, Heat, and Sound. [Ik the Press.

Practical Physics for Schools. Gl.

8vo. — Heat, Light, and Sound.

STOKES (Sir George G.).— On Light. The Burnett Lectures. Cr. Svo. 7s. td.

STONE (W. H.).— Elementary Lessons on Sound. Illustrated. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. td.

TAIT (Prof. P. G.).— Heat. With Illustra- tions. Cr. 8vo. ts.

TAYLOR (Sedley).— Sound and Music. 2nd Edit. Ext. cr. 8vo. Ss. td.

TURNER (H. H.). (See Electricity.)

WRIGHT (Lewis).— Light. A Course of Experimental Optics. Illust. Cr. 8vo. 7s. td.

YEO(J.).— Steam and the Marine Steam Engine. 8vo. 7s. td. net.


ARATUS.— The Skies and Weather Fork- casts of Aratus. Translated by E. Postb, M.A. Cr. 8vo. 3s. td.

BLANFORD(H. F.).— The Rudiments of Physical Geography for the Use of Indian Schools. Illustr. Cr. 8vo. 2s. td.

A Practical Guide to the Climates

and Weather of India, Ceylon and burmah, and the storms of indian Seas. 8vo. 12s td.

FERREL (Prof. W.).— A Popular Treatise on the Winds. 2nd Ed. 8vo. 17s. net.

GEIKIE (Sir Archibald).— A Primer of Phy- sical Geography. Illustr. Pott 8vo. is.

Elementary Lessons in Physical

Geography. Illustrated. Fcp. 8vo. 41. td.

Questions on the same. is. td.

HUXLEY (Prof. T. H.).— Physiography. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. ts.

LOCKYER(J. Norman).— Outlines of Phy- siography : the Movements of thb Earth. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, swd. is. td.

MARR (J. E.) and HARKER (A.).— Physio- graphy for Beginners. Gl. 8vo. InPress.

MELDOLA (Prof. R.) and WHITE (Wm.).— Report on the East Anglian Earth- quake of April 22ND, 1884. 8vo. js. td.

RUSSELL(T.)— Meteorology. 8vo.

TARR (R. S.).— Elementary Physical

Geography. Cr. 8vo. 7s. td. net.


FEARNLEY(W.).— A Manual of Elemen- tary Practical Histology. Cr.8vo. 7s. td.

FOSTER (Prof. M.) and LANGLEY (J. N.). — A Course of Elementary Practical Physiology and Histology. Cr.8vo. 7s. td.

FOSTER (Prof. M.)and SHORE (L. E.).— Physiology for Beginners. Gl. 8vo.