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for the best"; the other a man, a misguided human being brought face to face with himself. Once again was the "veil of the temple rent" and in the Holy of Holies these two made sacrifice each for himself.

Morning found Granny no better, too weak to rise and she tried in vain to eat her dainty breakfast. Each effort left her exhausted, and almost discouraged. Eletheer had to be content with seeing her take a few swallows of coffee.

Doctor Brinton, who had been summoned early, looked grave but could only economize the forces of nature and wait.

Stimulants were flatly refused by the old lady. Pleadings availed nothing. Deception was impossible and she gradually became weaker and weaker until at last, with mental faculties clear, her earthly lamp went out.

Those who have known the influence for good in a household of a grandmother like this one will understand how deserted the house seemed. Religious bigot she may have been, yet she was an honest one and her