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before going to bed, and they represented two distinct types. Elisha was strangely nervous. Again and again was the same column of figures added, but no result followed. Hernando laughed aloud and said: "Vedder, old man, your method of addition seems to give unsatisfactory results and your wits are apparently wool-gathering."

Elisha threw himself helplessly into a chair but made no reply.

"Come, out with it, make me your father confessor," said Hernando with a look of such genuine interest that Elisha replied: "I meant to have taken you into my confidence before, but there are some events in one's life too sacred to mention."

Hernando was looking intently into the fire. "I am grateful for all confidences," he answered, "and especially those of a friend."

"Have you seen my devotion to Celeste?"

"I'd be blind if I hadn't," returned Hernando quietly.

"Honestly, Hernando, do you think I am worthy to become the husband of that angel?"