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all the time as if something would snatch you from me. Let our wedding day be fixed and at an early date."

Celeste counted on her fingers but came to no conclusion.

"Jack goes to Texas in April, why not let part of our wedding journey be spent in company with him?" said Elisha.

Jack's health had failed during the past year. An annoying cough had caused Doctor Brinton to suggest a trip to the plains of Texas, and he intended to start during the last Week in April.

Celeste hesitated. To visit Vicksburg and the land of her birth was one of the dreams of her life, and now to go with dear brother Jack! Her eyes sparkled, the sweet lips parted and Elisha had won.

Taking the curly brown head in both his great brown hands, Elisha looked earnestly into her eyes. His heart was too full for words; and with a sigh of perfect content she threw her arms around his neck feeling that under the protection of such love, her