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serious was thought of the matter. Shortly afterward, the owner conceived the idea of leading the water from the spring, located at the spot where the old workings were afterwards commenced, to his house by means of a drain-pipe, and while so engaged discovered further indications. During the progress of the work, a village lad discovered a large piece of the ore and took it to the owner who felt so elated over it that he presented the boy with a cow. The discovery was soon noised abroad, and coming to the ears of certain New York parties, a stock company was formed under the title of the Ulster Lead Mining Company which purchased the land of the owner, and in the following spring put up machinery and buildings and commenced drifting. They continued boring with varying success for something over two years when they suspended for lack of funds.

"Five years later the company recommenced operations and continued the work for a period of three years when it was reorganized under the title of the Union Lead Mining