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that as soon as possible, and it was decided that Mills should begin negotiations with Mr. De Vere at once and secure a clear title for the mine on his place, and Mills's partner should bend his energies toward obtaining Old Ulster.

"What shall we do with this old document?" Mills inquired, producing the one found in the cave.

"Destroy it," said the other. "No one can read it, and anyway, all we want to know is clear."

Mills reflected, but ended in agreeing that it would only be a source of anxiety if preserved and, opening the stove door, it, with some old letters, was consigned to the flames and the blaze which followed assured them that at least one witness against them had been disposed of.

Nothing now remained for them to do but to go on to New York City, complete arrangements and deposit the gold and jewels in a place of safety.

How Mills succeeded with Mr. De Vere is