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"You would tell me that my stomach is out of order."

"Which is undoubtedly true of mine. But in all seriousness, Hernando, that attack of diphtheria you had last winter has left bad effects. Your entire countenance is somehow changed and your voice has never been the same since. For the last three days you have seemed half asleep. Reuben is really becoming concerned about your condition."

"Reuben is a noble fellow but somewhat of an alarmist, I fear," replied Hernando.

"I understand the meaning of the word 'alarmist' to be 'one who needlessly excites alarm', which certainly does not apply to Reuben, and when he says 'somethin' is goin' to happen,' it invariably does happen."

"What is his latest prediction?" Hernando asked with a light laugh.

Eletheer could not help smiling in return as she replied: "Nothing in words, but his actions indicate that some calamity is impending over this family."

"What was it you quoted to me the other