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the next hot toddy should be less hastily measured, and he hurried his patient into bed. In less than five minutes Hernando snored loudly, and Reuben thought best to leave him alone; so, after tidying the room, he softly closed the door, chiding himself severely for his supposed carelessness, and returned to finish the chores.

Eletheer still waited in the dining-room and after being told that Hernando would probably be all right in the morning, she retired. Not so with the faithful Reuben. After attending to the thousand and one little tasks which he conscientiously and systematically performed, his pallet was spread by Hernando's door that he might be ready in case of need. Several times during the night he stealthily crept to Hernando's bedside only to find him in that same heavy sleep.

"Dat sleep means somefin," he soliloquized uneasily; and earlier than usual the kitchen fire was kindled and his part of the daily routine begun.