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and this snow added to what is already on the ground will make a heavy body of it."

"I think the temperature is moderating," said his mother, "and the snow will probably turn to rain."

"Father," said Jack, "Mr. Valentine Mills called at the office to-day. He seemed anxious to see you."

"What can he want in the country at this season of the year?" returned his father.

"He said something about wishing to purchase your mining claim and erecting a sanitarium on Point Wawanda; he showed me his plans and I tell you the structure would be an ornament."

"O, don't sell it!" protested Eletheer, "you know that is to be the site of my hospital."

"John, I don't like that man's looks and would have as little dealing as possible with him."

"Why, mother, he seems very much of a gentleman."

"Nevertheless, I mistrust him."

Mrs. De Vere, or "Granny," was a woman