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arose from his knees and returned to complete the preparations for Hernando's departure.

How the weary hours dragged on no one could tell. Sounds of merriment about the house were hushed and a blight seemed to have fallen on everything; but like everything else, the day had an end,—sunset, twilight, darkness; ten o'clock and Dr. Herschel; and the door closed on Hernando, as all but Dr. Herschel and Reuben believed—forever.

All thought of the wedding had been abandoned by Elisha and Celeste; but, on the morning after Hernando's departure, Mr. De Vere received a note from Dr. Herschel telling that Hernando hoped his absence would make no difference in their arrangements for the wedding, and that they would accept his congratulations. So the simple ceremony that made Elisha Vedder and Celeste De Vere husband and wife was performed at the appointed time and Celeste did not feel disappointed in deferring her trip to Vicksburg, as Elisha filled the vacancy left by Hernando.