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Vere, he said: "I must introduce you to one of your kin; am on my way to the bank now, but if you'll go along I'll attend to some necessary matters there and then take you to her house which is on the same street. From New York, are you? I reckon you don't know a man there by the name of Andrew Genung?"

Jack's face beamed with pleasure as he explained how very well indeed he knew him.

"Where did you meet him?" he asked Watson in some surprise.

"In Nevada and Californy, and many's the jolly good ride we had together behind Hank Monk in the good old staging days," replied Watson, his face aglow at the pleasure of the memory. But they were now at the bank, and bidding them be seated, he disappeared into an inner office.

Jack mentally contrasted him with the other bank presidents of his acquaintance and unconsciously laughed aloud.

Sevier, as if divining the cause, said—"There is not in the State of Texas a man