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some human being in distress sounded not twenty feet from their shelter.

Watson sprang up, pistol in hand, and seeing nothing, exclaimed impatiently, "I aint deaf, that you've got to yell like that to wake me."

Jack was about to explain when again that awful screech.

"A painter, by gosh!" said Watson, himself laughing. "Have I been asleep?"

Jack restrained a smile as he answered in the affirmative and Watson said as he was now awake he'd better get up, so Jack warmed over the coffee.

"Jerusalem!" Watson exclaimed, looking at his watch. "One o'clock! Why, boy, why didn't you call me before?"

Jack protested that he was not sleepy but Watson made him turn in. "Steady your nerves, they'll get a shock when we reach the mining camp. Now don't say I aint told you."

Daylight showed nothing but sleet driven by an Arctic wind, and they had the dreary consolation of knowing that in all probability it would continue for three days; but Watson