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from the Delaware and had crossed by the old Indian trail leading through the mountain paths known as 'The Traps.' Their depredations in the valley having alarmed the people, they were returning by this trail, closely pursued by a large body from the settlements. At the summit of the mountain, the party surprised Sam who was hunting by himself.

"As soon as the savages saw him, they gave a warwhoop and started in pursuit. Now was an opportunity, thought they, to satisfy their thirst for revenge. Sam was a man of great physical strength and a fleet runner. Very few of the savages could outstrip him in an even race, but the Indians were between him and the open country and the only way left was toward the precipice. He knew all the paths better than did his pursuers and he had already devised a plan of escape while his enemies were calculating on effecting his capture, or his throwing himself from the precipice to avoid a more horrible death at their hands. He ran directly to the Point and pausing shouted defiance at his pursuers,