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looked quickly at Reuben; but apparently he had not moved a muscle since his last remark. Whence came that voice? All else was still; even the rustling leaves outside seemed to wait like the enchanted fairies, for his answer, while that relentless question dinned in his ears.

"Have you submitted those specifications?"

Yes, had he? Hernando's tension relaxed somewhat at the admission of an honest doubt, and the dinning in his ears grew fainter before the incoming light. Alas! no, the Bar of Justice before whom all plans must go had not passed on his. The dinning in his ears ceased; and then something, that Something which comes to each of us when self is melted into the sincere desire for truth for truth's sake, flashed upon him. Only a flash, a glimpse of the real; but Hernando caught it, saw that his message had been received, knew that at the right time, and in the best way, the call from the very bottom of his heart would be answered.