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  • able-looking document, Dr. Herschel said,—"This

is 'Old Ninety-Nine's' will—for such it is to all intents and purposes—written in Spanish as you see. You know its history but not its entire contents; however, as you are practically in the profession, a full understanding of the will may have an added interest as it shows what advances have been made along bacteriological lines and, I might add, clearly illustrates the influence of mind over matter.

"After 'Old Ninety-Nine's' cure, he continued to live at Shushan, making occasional trips to his cave, the whereabouts of which were sacredly guarded from discovery—indeed this document is so carefully worded as to give not a hint of its locality. While at Shushan, many years after having been cured, he had another revelation in the form of a dream. He must fly to his cave or evil spirits would obsess him for they were powerful, and after this sickness he might not be able to resist them."

Here the doctor paused and looked search-