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unlock the doors to the spiritual realm."

"Hernando claims that they do," said Eletheer.

This happened to be one of the rare occasions on which Dr. Herschel laughed; and he did laugh with a right good will. "Yes," he said with a twinkle in his eyes, "Hernando explained his philosophy to me at some length during the last year of his stay at Shushan. As I understand him he believes that thought, like electricity and magnetism, is a force, and that it may be intelligently applied in the treatment of disease. Of course he refers to diseases of nervous origin, such as hysteria and some allied functional disorders, and in this he is quite right; but, Miss De Vere, my experience has been on other than metaphysical lines. As a nurse, yours will be also. This physical body and the material world it inhabits are our materials to work with and, at this stage of evolution at least, fate must be reckoned with. Don't muddle your brain with these new sciences and cures. Keep on solid ground.