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Watson's knowledge of the female sex was limited. He knew they were liable to do various things under circumstances like the present, and he tried to be prepared, but his voice was very unsteady as he said,—"I reckon he went mighty quick!"

"Death must have been instantaneous," Eletheer reasoned aloud, as she pushed the damp hair from his temples.

"Now I do wonder how the other one will act when she comes 'round," thought Watson.

Mary Genung was severely shocked and the united efforts of Watson and Eletheer only succeeded in bringing a moan of pain from her lips as she shivered and relapsed into unconsciousness.

The wind was abating now and Watson asked Eletheer if she would be afraid to be left alone while he went for help.

"Of what!" she said. "Please go. You'll find willing hands at the paper-mill yonder."

Before the sentence was finished he was off and as the distance was not great, he soon returned with three strong men carrying an