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in "fear and trembling." Unjust as it all had seemed at the time, he now saw that in no other way could his lesson have been learned. The stony road of necessity on which no traveller escapes just toll, was behind him. Before him once more, the road forked. One fork led to Hong Kong, to mistaken duty with exactions—not obligations.

On the other fork was the woman he loved, the "helpmeet" he needed, that other "half" of this man of flesh and blood. He thought over the last three years; how he had been temporarily filling his friend's vacancy at the mine until the way to Hong Kong should open up, little dreaming that Elisha had only temporarily filled his, Hernando's, vacancy in Celeste's heart until he had "proved his claim."

How sincerely he had tried to comfort her in her bereavement. What joy it had given him to watch her dimples returning and hear her merry laugh once more! He looked at her now, standing in the witching light of the new moon with her sweet, chaste profile outlined