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Eletheer in the art of preparing a bowl of boneset tea, and Hernando obediently promised to swallow it.

Boneset tea was the old lady's panacea for all ills; a sneeze, cough, or wet feet when noticed by her caused the good woman to instantly brew and force down the throat of the victim a bowl full of this nauseous draught, and Eletheer, who was her special charge, declared that she was forming the "boneset habit." She could not help smiling as she handed the steaming bowl to Hernando saying, "Prepared strictly according to directions; one scant handful of the dried herb, being careful to omit blossoms (which nauseate), one-half pint of water and two tablespoons of molasses. Steep gradually one hour." Hernando received it with a quiet "Thank you," and swallowed it with seeming relish; then saying "Good-night," entered his room and closed the door behind him.

Granny, whose room joined Eletheer's, was awake when the latter tiptoed in, and the lamp was still burning. Hearing the