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the Lord made a mistake when he put a black body on that white soul. When 'Gabriel sounds his trump' for me I should feel safe with Reuben to pilot the way."

Mr. De Vere's eyes grew dim.

"And," the doctor added, "his word is law in this case. No one but he goes into that room; nothing comes out but through him." And Doctor Brinton drove off singing

"There is a happy land—"

It proved indeed a serious case. Hernando's heart, never very strong, under the action of this insidious poison and a restless spirit came very near failing altogether. But once more the eternal vigilance and conscientious care of Reuben assisted Nature and she conquered, and the work of repair progressed steadily. Dainty trays tempted the feeble appetite. Reuben prepared them himself and each one was a surprise. Somehow he knew just what he liked, to Hernando's surprise.

All the family vied with one another in