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CHAPTER LXIV. Heart-Rending Cablegrams that Sent the Author Upon a Very Sad Mission 352 CHAPTER LXV. The Influence of the Press Essay in "Political Por- traits," by Fitz Mac 372 CHAPTER LXVL My Relations with the Press Gang 'Gene Field and His Eccentricities 386 CHAPTER LXVII. Surrender to Nature's Exactions Life in the Palaces of the Afflicted 400 CHAPTER LXVIII. Boarding the Oregon On to Zion A Nemesis Shel- tered in Home for Veterans .... 405 CHAPTER LXIX. Again in Harness Second Collapse Proposal by Wire Shirt-Waist Wedding . 410 CHAPTER LXX. Again with Angels Creating Fiction and Dealing in Junk Farmer Once More 419 CHAPTER LXXI. The Case Submitted to a Jury of My Peers What Shall the Verdict Be? . 430 APPENDIX Summary of More Recent Developments in the Lead- ville Mining District, by Henry C. Butler, Editor Herald-Democrat . . . . . . 435 A Few Excerpts from the Contemporary Press . . 436