Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/69

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ILLIAM the Conqueror entered this land anno Mundi 4994. annno Christi 1066. from Brutus first entraunce 2229 yeres. He descended from Rollo or Robert, a Capteine of the cruell Pagan Danes. Rollo was Capteine of the Pagan Danes abouts anno Christi 806. For abouts that tyme the Danes were in theire greatest Exultation. For they joyninge themselves with the [1]Vermennis fratribus, swarmed like waspes over most parte of Europa, conqueringe Countreys, Citties and Provinces, and especially the Countreys of the Christians, and, amongst other Conquests, Rollo alias Robert conquered the chiefest Cittie in Fraunce called Orliaunce, and, not longe after his said Conquest, he exchanged the same Cittie of Orleaunce with Charles, then Kinge of Fraunce, for the Dukedome of Normandy, and so the said Rollo was the first Pagan Danishe Duke of Normandy; and after him succeeded in the Dukedome, Duke William Longe Spode his sonne, second Duke of Normandy, who was a stout and couragious Warrier; and after William Longe Spode were successivelie three Dukes of Normandy, called all Richards, of the line and race of the said Rollo the Dane; and after the said three Richards succeeded Robert Duke of Normandy, which Robert was supposed to be the Father of William Bastard, who conquered England. So that it is manifest, that the said William Bastard descended lineallie from Rollo the Pagan Dane, and was the sixte Duke of Normandie. The Danes were mightie stoute and tall men, proud and very lecherous, for the most parte red complexioned and red heared. They fought most of all with greate Halbards and great Pollaxes, and eache Lord Dane had his Man to carrie his Axe or Weapon after him, who also carried the like Weapon for himselfe, [2]the Brutaines called boye lleys yn Danes. The said William Bastard, after that he had conquered the Realme, dispossessed all the auncient inhabitants thereof, and in theire Lands, Countries and ould Inheritaunces placed his owne Countreymen, Kinsemen and Friends, as appeareth verie plaine and evidentlie in the Records of the said William. He was a most cruell and extraordienarie [3]envious towards his enemies, and not onlie he,

  1. Sic,
  2. Sic.
  3. Adde, Prince sive Man.
