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8 By nature prone to ill,
Till thine appointed hour,
I was as destitute of will,
As now I ani of power.

9 Wilt thou not crown at length
The work thou hast begun,
And with a will afford me strength
In all thy ways to run?

Salvation drawing nearer.—Rom. xiii, 11, 12.

1 DARKNESS overspreads us here,
But the night wears fast away ;
Jacob s Star will soon appear,
Leading on eternal day !
Now tis time to rouse from sleep,
Trim our lamps, and stand prepared,
For our Lord strict watch to keep,
Lest he find us off our guard.

2 Let his people courage take,
Bear with a submissive mind
All they suffer for his sake,
Rich amends they soon will find :
He will wipe away their tears,
Near himself appoint their lot ;
All their sorrows, pains, and fears,
Quickly then will be forgot.

3 Though already saved by grace,
From the hour we first believed ;
Yet while sin and war have place,
We have but a part received :
Still we for salvation wait,
Every hour it nearer comes !
Death will break the prison gate
And admit us to our homes.

4 Sinners, what can you expect,
You who now the Saviour dare,
Break his laws, his grace reject?
You must stand before his bar !