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5 You are safe who know his love;
He will all his truth perform ;
To your souls a refuge prove
From the rage of every storm :
But we tremble for the youth !
Teach them, Lord, thy saving truth;
Join them to thy faithful few,
Be to them a refuge too.

Earthly Prospects Deceitful.

1 OFT in vain the voice of truth
Solemnly and loudly warns ;
Thoughtless, inexperienced youth,
Though it hears, the warning scorns :
Youth in fancy s glass surveys
Life prolong d to distant years,
While the vast imagined space
Fill d with sweets and joys appears.

2 Awful disappointment soon
Overclouds the prospect gay ;
Some their sun goes down at noon,
Torn by death s strong hand away :
Where are then their pleasing schemes
Where the joys they hoped to find ?
Gone for ever, like their dreams,
Leaving not a trace behind.

3 Others, who are spared awhile,
Live to weep o er fancy s cheat;
Find distress and pain and toil,
Bitter things instead of sweet :
Sin has spread a curse around,
Poison d all things here below ;
On this base polluted ground
Peace and joy can never grow

4 Grace alone can cure ^our ills,
Sweeten life with all its cares,
Regulate our stubborn wills,
Save us from surrounding snares :