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8 Dear Lord, assist our souls to pay
The debt of praise we owe,
That we enjoy a gospel-day
And heaven begun below.

Prayer for the Continuance of the Gospel.[1]

1 ONCE, while we aim d at Zion s songs,
A sudden mourning check d our tongues !
Then we were called to sow in tears
The seeds of joy for future years.

2 Oft as that memorable hour
The changing year brings round again,
We meet to praise the love and power
Which heard our cries and eased our pain.

3 Come, ye who trembled for the ark,
Unite in praise for answer d prayer ;
Did not the Lord our sorrows mark?
Did not our sighing reach his ear ?

4 Then smaller griefs were laid aside,
And all our cares summ d up in one ;
" Let us but have thy word," we cried,
" In other things thy will be done."

5 Since he has granted our request,
And we still hear the gospel voice ;
Although by many trials press d,
In this we can and will rejoice.

6 Though to our lot temptations fall,
Though pain and want and cares annoy ;
The precious gospel sweetens all,
And yields us med cine, food, and joy.

  1. Wherever a separation is threatened between a minister and people who dearly love each other, this hymn may be as seasonable as it was once at Olney.