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Let us now our day improve,
Listen to the gospel-voice,
Seek the things that are above,
Scorn the world s pretended joys.

5 Oh ! when flesh and heart shall fail,
Let thy love our spirits cheer,
Strengthen d thus we shall prevail
Over Satan, sin, and fear:
Trusting in thy precious name,
May we thus our journey end;
Then our foes shall lose their aim,
And the Judge will be our Friend.


1 SINNERS, hear the Saviour s call,
He now is passing by ;
He has seen thy grievous thrall,
And heard thy mournful cry.
He has pardons to impart,
Grace to save thee from thy fears ;
See the love that fills his heart,
And wipe away thy tears.

2 Why art tliou afraid to come
And tell him all thy case ?
He will not pronounce thy doom,
Nor frown thee from his face ;
Wilt thou fear Emmanuel ?
Wilt thou dread the Lamb of God,
Who to save thy soul from hell,
Has shed his precious blood ?

3 Think how on the cross he hung,
Pierced with a thousand wounds !
Hark from each, as with a tongue
The voice of pardon sounds !
See from all his bursting veins,
Blood of wondrous virtue flow !
Shed to wash away thy stains,
And ransom thee from woe.