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2 Since I have known the Saviour s name,
And what for me he bore ;
No more I toil for empty fame,
I thirst for gold no more.

3 Placed by his hand in this retreat,
I make his love my theme,
And see that all the world calls great
Is but a waking dream.

4 Since he has rank d my worthless name
Amongst his favour d few,
Let the mad world, who scoff at them,
Revile and hate me too.

5 O thou whose voice the dead can raise,
And soften hearts of stone,
And teach the dumb to sing thy praise,
This work is all thine own !

6 Thy wond ring saints rejoice to see
A wretch like me restored,
And point and say " How changed is he
Who once defied^the Lord!"

7 Grace bid me live, and taught my tongue
To aim at notes divine ;
And grace accepts my feeble song
The glory, Lord, be thine !

My soul thirstethfor God. C.

1 I THIRST, but not as once I did,
The vain delights of earth to share ;
Thy wounds, Emmanuel, all forbid
That I should seek my pleasures there.

2 It was the sight of thy dear cross
First wean d my soul from earthly things,
And taught me to esteem as dross
The mirth of fools and pomp of kings.

3 I want that grace that springs from thee,
That quickens all things where it flows,