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Till death shall set me free from sin,
Free from the only thing I hate.

3 Had I a throne above the rest,
Where angels and archangels dwell,
One sin, unslain, within my breast,
Would make that heav n as dark as hell.

4 The pris ner, sent to breathe fresh air,
And bless d with liberty again,
Would mourn were he condemn d to wear
One link of all his former chain.

5 But oh ! no foe invades the bliss
When glory crowns the Christian s head;
One view of Jesus as he is
Will strike all sin for ever dead.

The Child.

1 QUIET, Lord, my froward heart,
Make me teachable and mild,
Upright, simple, free from art,
Make me as a weaned child :
From distrust and envy free,
Pleased with all that pleases thee.

2 What thou shalt to-day provide,
Let me as a child receive ;
What to-morrow may betide,
Calmly to thy wisdom leave :
Tis enough that thou wilt care,
Why should I the burden bear ?

3 As a little child relies
On a care beyond his own ;
Knows he s neither strong nor wise,
Fears to stir a step alone :
Let me thus with thee abide,
As my Father, Guard, and Guide,

4 Thus preserved from Satan s wiles,
Safe from dangers, free from fears,