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They rather choose the way that s wide,
And strive to think it right.

4 Encompass d by a throng,
On numbers they depend ;
So many surely can t be wrong,
And miss a happy end.

5 But numbers are no mark
That men will right be found ;
A few were saved in Noah s ark,
For many millions drown d.

6 Obey the gospel call,
And enter while you may,
The flock of Christ is always small,
And none are safe but they.

7 Lord, open sinners eyes
Their awful state to see ;
And make them, ere the storm arise,
To thee for safety flee.

The Sluggard.

1 THE wishes that the sluggard frames,
t)f course must fruitless prove ;
With folded arms he stands and dreams,
But has no heart to move.

2 His field from others may be known,
The fence is broken through,
The ground with weeds is overgrown,
And no good crop in view.

3 No hardship he or toil can bear,
No difficulty meet ;
He wastes his hours at home, for fear
Of lions in the street.

4 What wonder then, if sloth and sleep
Distress and famine bring.
Can he in harvest hope to reap,
Who will not sow in spring ?