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1 HUNGRY and faint and poor,
Behold us, Lord, again
Assembled at thy mercy s door,
Thy bounty to obtain.

2 Thy word invites us nigh,
Or we must starve indeed ;
For we no money have to buy,
No righteousness to plead.

3 The food our spirits want
Thy hand alone can give ;
Oh ! hear the pray r of faith, and grant
That we may eat and live.

Psalm cvi, 4, 5.

1 REMEMBER us, we pray thee, Lord,
With those who love thy gracious name ;
And to our souls that good afford
Thy promise has prepared for them.

2 To us thy great salvation show,
Give us a taste of love divine ;
That we thy people s joy may know,
And in their holy triumph join.


1 NOT to Sinai s dreadful blaze,
But to Zion s throne of grace,
By a way mark d out with blood,
Sinners now approach to God.

2 Not to hear the fiery law,
But with humble joy to draw
Water, by that well supplied
Jesus open d when he died.

3 Lord, there are no streams but thine
Can assuage a thirst like mine ;
Tis a thirst thyself didst give,
Let me therefore drink and live.