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Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat, . . 291
Chief Shepherd of thy chosen sheep, . . 233
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, . . . 86
Confirm the hope thy word allows, . . 356
Constrain d by their Lord to embark, . . 162
Could the creatures help or ease us, . . 142
Courage, my soul ! behold the prize, . . 255

Darkness overspreads us here, . . . 175
Day of judgment, day of wonders, . . . 256
Dear Lord ! accept a sinful heart, . . . 203
Destruction's dangerous road, . . . 345
Does it not grief and wonder move, . . 200
Does the gospel-word proclaim, . . . 293

Elijah's example declares, . . . 90
Elisha, struck with grief and awe, . . . 205
Encouraged by thy word, . . . . 130
Ensnared too long my heart has been, . . 208
Ere God had built the mountains, . . 105

Far from the world, O Lord, I flee, . . 320
"Father, forgive," the Saviour said, . . 158
Father of angels and of men, . . . 361
Fervent persevering prayers, . . . 170
Fierce passions discompose the mind, . . 178
Fix my heart and eyes on thine, . . . 337
Forest beasts, that live by prey, . . . 309
For mercies countless as the sands, . . 103
From Egypt lately freed, . . . . 317
From pole to pole let others roam, . . 120
From Sheba a distant report, . . . 88

Gladness was spread through Israel's host, . . 232
Glorious things of thee are spoken, . . . 112
Glory to God, the Father's name, . . . 361
God gives his mercies to be spent, . . . 108
God, with one piercing glance, looks through, . 257
God moves in a mysterious way, . . . 294
God of my life, to thee I call, . . . 297
Grace, triumphant in the throne, . . . 344
Gracious Lord, our children see, . . . 199

Happy are they to whom the Lord, . . . 230
Hark, my soul ! it is the Lord, . . . 166
Hark ! how Time s wide sounding bell, . . 193
Happy the birth where grace presides, . . 332